Saturday, November 21, 2015
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Saturday, September 19, 2015
A drop waits
For a moment
On the tip
Of a leaf
So sweet its anticipation
Helplessly reflecting
the entire sky!
I can't wait for you,
That long!
For a moment
On the tip
Of a leaf
So sweet its anticipation
Helplessly reflecting
the entire sky!
I can't wait for you,
That long!
Friday, September 18, 2015
Die on me
O Beloved!
O Beloved!
For only your death
Can solve this illusion
Of love!
Can solve this illusion
Of love!
Flee, flee
From the places
I search for you!
From the places
I search for you!
So that I may know..
What has silenced
These huge mountains
These huge mountains
That I may drink
Not the water
But the eternal novelty
Of the gushing streams
Not the water
But the eternal novelty
Of the gushing streams
That I may fill my lungs
Till they burst
With that which inhabits
The windless mountain tops
Till they burst
With that which inhabits
The windless mountain tops
That I may sway,
Sway till I release
The mad laughter
That spills from the tree tops
And rises and falls
with the dust!
Sway till I release
The mad laughter
That spills from the tree tops
And rises and falls
with the dust!
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Blue skies
Are empty
Rain clouds
Fill my eyes
Shadows play often with light
And the breeze with the leaves
But when I ask who plays on my heart strings
They all remain silent..
I can't see
And I can't hear
But wherever I look
I see them all eyes closed
Drowning in the song
No music
No words
Not even a singer here.
This song is that simple!
Are empty
Rain clouds
Fill my eyes
Shadows play often with light
And the breeze with the leaves
But when I ask who plays on my heart strings
They all remain silent..
I can't see
And I can't hear
But wherever I look
I see them all eyes closed
Drowning in the song
No music
No words
Not even a singer here.
This song is that simple!
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
I took all our memories
(my hands don't tremble anymore!)
And blew through them
Till tiny specks of joy flew
And disappeared into light!
Then extracting the pain
To the very last drop
Carefully bottled it
For years to remain..
Hidden from light
Yet not forgotten,
Waiting for years to roll by
And turn it into wine!
(my hands don't tremble anymore!)
And blew through them
Till tiny specks of joy flew
And disappeared into light!
Then extracting the pain
To the very last drop
Carefully bottled it
For years to remain..
Hidden from light
Yet not forgotten,
Waiting for years to roll by
And turn it into wine!
Monday, September 14, 2015
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Saturday, September 12, 2015
रात्र आणी दिवस
रात्रीला दिवसाची आठवण येते
दिवसाला मात्र रात्रीचा विसर पडतो,
तर मग दिवस, हे रात्रीला पडलेले
जणू स्वप्नच नव्हे काय?
दिवसाच्या उन्हापासून
झाडाखाली सावली मिळते.
रात्रीच्या चांदण्यापासून
वाचण्याची सोय नाही!
दिवसाचे असत्य पेलायचे असेल
तर रात्री अशाच,
जागून काढाव्या लागणार!
दिवसाला मात्र रात्रीचा विसर पडतो,
तर मग दिवस, हे रात्रीला पडलेले
जणू स्वप्नच नव्हे काय?
दिवसाच्या उन्हापासून
झाडाखाली सावली मिळते.
रात्रीच्या चांदण्यापासून
वाचण्याची सोय नाही!
दिवसाचे असत्य पेलायचे असेल
तर रात्री अशाच,
जागून काढाव्या लागणार!
Bliss is my home
And the way back home
Need not be searched
Tired feet will find their way
On their own!
And the way back home
Need not be searched
Tired feet will find their way
On their own!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
My tears are a secret
They hold my secret,
secret from me,
How to let them fall!
They hold my secret,
secret from me,
How to let them fall!
Not a word.. Not a word,
Just this not saying,
Not just says it
But says it all!
Not a word.. Not a word,
Just this not saying,
Not just says it
But says it all!
Monday, August 24, 2015
रात्रीचे चांदणे
दिवसा अजून शिल्लक आहे
विसावा कुठे मिळाला नाही तरी चालेल!
या वार्याच्या झुळुकेनी
अलगद उचलून धरले आहे
सारे काही आता उधळून गेले तरी चालेल!
वाहणे हाच जणू
आता धर्म आहे
दिशाभूल आता झाली तरी चालेल!
तुझ्या आठवणीचे धुके
दाट होता, वाट दिसेनाशी होई
आता घरी परतलो नाही तरी चालेल!
आता कशाची भिती
मी माझ्यात आसा उरलो तरी किती
तुझे दर्शन झाले नाही तरी चालेल!
दिवसा अजून शिल्लक आहे
विसावा कुठे मिळाला नाही तरी चालेल!
या वार्याच्या झुळुकेनी
अलगद उचलून धरले आहे
सारे काही आता उधळून गेले तरी चालेल!
वाहणे हाच जणू
आता धर्म आहे
दिशाभूल आता झाली तरी चालेल!
तुझ्या आठवणीचे धुके
दाट होता, वाट दिसेनाशी होई
आता घरी परतलो नाही तरी चालेल!
आता कशाची भिती
मी माझ्यात आसा उरलो तरी किती
तुझे दर्शन झाले नाही तरी चालेल!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
आहे खरे
सांगायचे खूप काही
बोलण्यास मात्र
आता न उरे
नावही कधी मज
माझे न स्मरे
मन नुसतेच बावरलेले
नयनांत गुंफुनी
श्वास माझे
प्राण हरवले!
अडकलेल्या श्वासांना
शब्द गवसले नाही!
आज घननिळ्या नभानी
धरतीला वाहिले सर्वकाही
थबकलेल्या मला
एक आश्रूही वाहता आला नाही
गहिवरून उठलेल्या
बुडण्याची सोय नाही
सांगायचे खूप काही
बोलण्यास मात्र
आता न उरे
नावही कधी मज
माझे न स्मरे
मन नुसतेच बावरलेले
नयनांत गुंफुनी
श्वास माझे
प्राण हरवले!
अडकलेल्या श्वासांना
शब्द गवसले नाही!
आज घननिळ्या नभानी
धरतीला वाहिले सर्वकाही
थबकलेल्या मला
एक आश्रूही वाहता आला नाही
गहिवरून उठलेल्या
बुडण्याची सोय नाही
Friday, August 7, 2015
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Sometimes like an echo
Of a far reaching bell,
Sometimes like a drop
That plop! and disappeared
As it fell..
Sometimes spreading
Like a smile
That connects the heart to the sky
Sometimes fading
Into a distance
Like an endless sigh
From top to bottom
And side to side
From inside out
And outside in
All that is true
Is utterly you
Right here
Sometimes far
And sometimes near
I dig you out
And sometimes
You drown me in!
Of a far reaching bell,
Sometimes like a drop
That plop! and disappeared
As it fell..
Sometimes spreading
Like a smile
That connects the heart to the sky
Sometimes fading
Into a distance
Like an endless sigh
From top to bottom
And side to side
From inside out
And outside in
All that is true
Is utterly you
Right here
Sometimes far
And sometimes near
I dig you out
And sometimes
You drown me in!
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Monday, July 27, 2015
So that only you may hear
My poem is the softest I can speak
Not much to say..
In my heart, to let you peek
And what you see
Tell not even me
Hold it to your heart
And say nought
as you go
you don't know
My poem is the softest I can speak
Not much to say..
In my heart, to let you peek
And what you see
Tell not even me
Hold it to your heart
And say nought
as you go
you don't know
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Your embrace
opened up
Not my heart
But an ancient wound!
Drew a cry
That I couldn't utter
As I fell right through
This cruel lie..
.. Of seperate existence.
Time slowed
And tears flowed
And as we recovered..
You got up and left
With me sitting here
With an incomplete thought
Holding an unshed tear!
opened up
Not my heart
But an ancient wound!
Drew a cry
That I couldn't utter
As I fell right through
This cruel lie..
.. Of seperate existence.
Time slowed
And tears flowed
And as we recovered..
You got up and left
With me sitting here
With an incomplete thought
Holding an unshed tear!
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Saturday, July 4, 2015
A gentle awakening
A sweet surprise
An ultimate relief
Into a clear sunrise
An ultimate relief
Into a clear sunrise
Of death
A fragrance overpowering
All senses and thought.
This falling or arising,
An unburdening long sought
All senses and thought.
This falling or arising,
An unburdening long sought
Into death
Where waiting is over
An end of parting
The only uniting
In this so called departing
An end of parting
The only uniting
In this so called departing
Called death
With open arms
As I greet
What is long promised
At master's lotus feet!
As I greet
What is long promised
At master's lotus feet!
Monday, June 29, 2015
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
I don't know from which
Unseen heavens
And what unthinkable bliss
You poured out your immortal songs
Unseen heavens
And what unthinkable bliss
You poured out your immortal songs
For after many years
I still paint my puny joys and sorrows
With the same radiant colours.
A ray of light!
Painful, like a sudden ray of light
That hits the eye
His voice as it overtook
the mountains
and spread across the sky,
That hits the eye
His voice as it overtook
the mountains
and spread across the sky,
Uprooting me from my slumber
Made me speechless stand
in the grip
Of the eternal!
Made me speechless stand
in the grip
Of the eternal!
And then..
Like a rainbow disappearing
Leaving no trace
Was lost
Into the distance
Leaving no trace
Was lost
Into the distance
And back to the surface..
Came the voice
Of wheels and steel,
And creaking and squeaking
Of mindless machines
And machine like minds.
Of wheels and steel,
And creaking and squeaking
Of mindless machines
And machine like minds.
Every wavering shadow
that flickers
Lights up something
that flickers
Lights up something
Every floating cloud
That drifts aimless
Points to something
That drifts aimless
Points to something
Every drop of rain
That disappears
Washes down something
That disappears
Washes down something
Every dream
That confounds
Wakes up something
That confounds
Wakes up something
Every vacant space
That fills up
Carries something
That fills up
Carries something
In broad daylight
I rub my eyes
And yet I cannot see
I cannot see
I rub my eyes
And yet I cannot see
I cannot see
As I look into your eyes
Breathing your silent smile
Each moment that slips
here from my hand
Breathing your silent smile
Each moment that slips
here from my hand
Means something!
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
मला दे की थोडं !

काय ते नाही माहित,
पण मला दे कि थोडं
हा चंद्र नको.
हा तर नेहमीचाच ,
तुला दिसलेला दे.
हि फुले नको,
तुला ज्यांनी जिंकले
तीच शोधून दे.
हे अखंड पसरलेलं नको ,
चांदणं मला फक्त ,
तुझ्या डोळ्यात साठवलेलं दे.
तुझ्या डोळ्यांआड जे लपलं
ते हरवण्याआधी,
केसातून जे झिरपलं
ते झटकण्याआधी,
तुझ्या रुसण्यातून जे पुटपुटलं
तुझ्या हसण्यातून जे उसळलं
ते तुला पण समजण्याआधी,
तुझ्या श्वासातुन जे थरथरलं
ते स्थिरावण्याआधी,
तुझ्या मनात जे फुल्ल
ते शब्दात बांधण्याआधी,
मला दे की थोडं !
This moonlight that lights up..
Not for finding the way
This moonlight for getting lost..
These words not for telling
But for forgetting
what I would rather say..
Not for finding the way
This moonlight for getting lost..
These words not for telling
But for forgetting
what I would rather say..
This gentle breeze that came unasked
This wild fragrance that left me dumb,
This wild fragrance that left me dumb,
I give you!
I give you this breeze,
This wild intoxicating fragrance
This drunken moon to drink..
This wild intoxicating fragrance
This drunken moon to drink..
But I can't say how it feels
To be with you!
To be with you!
Monday, June 1, 2015
One day
One day
I will lose my mind
I promise
One day I will go mad
Every step sinks here
Into an infinite fall
One sweet moment I can see
I will go lose it all
One day I won't recognize
Your face, your voice
One day I know
I will take myself by surprise
One day it won't help
Being clever, Being wise,
That day I will close my eyes
and walk off the cliff...
When I look at you
I realize
What beats within me
Is not my heart
.. And one day I will scream
It will happen
One fine day my master
your love
Will take its toll!

I will lose my mind
I promise
One day I will go mad
Every step sinks here
Into an infinite fall
One sweet moment I can see
I will go lose it all
One day I won't recognize
Your face, your voice
One day I know
I will take myself by surprise
One day it won't help
Being clever, Being wise,
That day I will close my eyes
and walk off the cliff...
When I look at you
I realize
What beats within me
Is not my heart
.. And one day I will scream
It will happen
One fine day my master
your love
Will take its toll!

Friday, April 17, 2015
When you are here
I wonder who you are
When you are gone,
I wonder if you really left
I wonder who you are
When you are gone,
I wonder if you really left
When you speak,
In your voice, I can't find words.
When you pause,
I can't find my breath
In your voice, I can't find words.
When you pause,
I can't find my breath
When you walk in without a warning,
I am buried deep in the ground.
When you sit still
I am lost in an unknown sky
I am buried deep in the ground.
When you sit still
I am lost in an unknown sky
When the breeze touches your hair,
When an ant walks by your feet,
When an unseen bird sings away as you speak,
I rejoice, I weep, I am drunk, my every bit!
When an ant walks by your feet,
When an unseen bird sings away as you speak,
I rejoice, I weep, I am drunk, my every bit!
How can I ask you my question
My only question is you.
Your coming and going
And being here and not
The memory and dreaming
Of all this and that,
Adds up to a question?
My only question is you.
Your coming and going
And being here and not
The memory and dreaming
Of all this and that,
Adds up to a question?
Let me sit here.
Pretend you don't know..
Only a little while more..
Pretend you don't know..
Only a little while more..
For the moment you turn your eyes
The earth cracks up,
The skies tear down,
And I wonder if I really am!
The earth cracks up,
The skies tear down,
And I wonder if I really am!
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