Thursday, November 27, 2014

Why do flowers bloom?

Is it the wind that 
made the leaves move
Is it really the plant 
from which the flower grew
Is it the water drops 
that sunk in
and threw..

..out this sweet smell!

Is it the sweetness
that brought the smile
Was it really in love
that you paused for a while!

These winds, 
these leaves,
these smells
playing with the light
this rustle, 
this buzz, 
this moment
standing out bright!

This beauty
This peace
This love
do i really know?
then, now
where do i go?

Cried and screamed
Danced and laughed
Sorrowed and sang
Wrote poems.
And all that stuff
Grinned and frowned
Wept for a while.
Then came around
And realized
That it's not enough...

...without the wide open sky!

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