Friday, July 22, 2016

I took you in
Bit by bit
Drop by drop
Breath by breath
Not knowing where
You scattered and settled
Within me.

But now I create you
Whenever I want.
As I graze this
Eternal lazy afternoon,
I make you
With slow settling leaves
Or blowing and merging
Of drifting clouds
watching you being made
And rhythmically fade
Revealing the same sky
In newer and deeper sighs! 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Clouds have given in
To an unspoken longing

And the wind stands still
With it's breath stolen

As the steady drops
Now roll off the leaves
in trembling silence

Every single patter
Raises thrills
of an unknown joy

I watch through the window
Like a bird with wet feathers
Perched with closed eyes

Ambushed by the beating
Of a heart
that I still can't recognize
As mine.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Currents merging and breaking
Ripples appearing and disappearing
Fallen leaves and loosened stalks
Drowning and surfacing..

Into this magic
That bends light
and slows time!

My eyes can touch
my hands can see
And my ears dive deep
Into a cloud of silence
Floating high above the stream
Holding the dragon flies
In their incessant buzz
And the dance of light!