Monday, June 20, 2016

Make way!

Make way
for mountains of wind
and storms
of maddening fragrance
raising mind breaking
desires, unlocking
relentless floods of tears,
leaving behind
of all consuming silence!

All this
any moment
before or after
the shedding
of a random leaf
or locking
and unlocking
of an unsure gaze!

Friday, June 3, 2016


The night that loved me
Through tender sleeplessness
Lies awake even now
In broad daylight
Where your secret heart moves
In and out of my sight.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

I have wondered endlessly
Of what is that slips
In and out,
while the light beams
fall out
off a gushing stream
like tears drops,
dropping from the edge
of an irresistible laughter!

What is it that peeps
its head
In moments that pause
Of their own accord
And disappear
Like a bird flashing
Only it's tail
As it does its vanishing act

My heart barely beats,
Now struck with wonder
Trying to catch
A few color drops out of
A fast disappearing rainbow!