Monday, October 22, 2012

I'm talkin

I'm walkin, yes indeed and I'm talkin bout you and me
I'm hopin that you'll come back to me.
-- Fats Domino, "I'm walkin"

This blog, in a way, is a reaction:
  1. to all the people who didn't get my jokes...or found them not funny!
  2. to people who thought that something else than what I was saying at that moment that was important.
  3. to people who, just as I had started to enjoy myself, told me to get to the point. 
  4. to those who embarrassed me by going on talking about things I didn't fully understand. 

Above all, this blog is a loud confession: that I love to talk! I love to chatter away. No, I'm not that extrovert kind who go about making friends with everybody... talking all the time. But I'm a lover of conversation.

From conversations full of awkward silences to conversations that flow like a torrent. Conversations that stumble into completely new and unexplored spaces which are equally breathtaking to both the people. I have to some extent even lived for those moments when both people arrive at the same experience of exhilaration or laughter without too many words. I have always wondered about what possibilities a conversation holds.But I have never been able to explore it to the extreme.

And one last thing, unless any of you have already guessed it, in this blog, in this space, I have given myself the full freedom of being boring. The pressure of saying only interesting things, stifles pure expression... which is such a wonderful thing!